When you choose a consumer finance loan over a credit card and/or title/payday loan you know what you are getting into. You will be able to budget in your exact monthly payment, you will know exactly how much your interest charges will be, and you ...
[Read more] about Loan versus Credit Card versus Payday Loan
Consumer Finance Loans Explained
Discover how LPI Loans' consumer finance loans work, who they can help, and why our simple approval process is made for those with less-than-perfect credit.
What Are Consumer Finance Loans?
Consumer finance loans are personal loans designed to ...
[Read more] about Consumer Finance Loans Explained
How Personal Loans Work
Across the country people use personal loans to pay for a specific need when they are short on cash. Things like unexpected expenses, debt consolidation, and home improvements. Not familiar with a personal loan? Here is how they work.
Personal ...
[Read more] about How Personal Loans Work
Things to Know Before You Co-Sign
There are certain expectations and risks associated with being a co-signer on a loan. It's important to weigh the consequences carefully before you sign by the proverbial “X.”
Guaranteeing the Debt
The first thing you should know about ...
[Read more] about Things to Know Before You Co-Sign