We offer the following types of insurance protections:
Life – In the event of loss of life.
Accident & Health – In the event of an accident or health related loss of income.
Unemployment – In the event of loss of employment.
Property – In the event of loss of personal property.
Is a personal loan right for you?
When deciding whether to obtain a personal loan, consider the benefits and responsibilities.
A personal loan:
Obligates future income – You’ll be required to set aside a certain amount of future income for loan payments.
Requires discipline – Borrowing wisely means not borrowing more than you can handle. Don’t let the thrill of buying
or having a sum of cash obligate you to more than you can afford.
Makes it possible to meet unexpected expenses – The ability to borrow and make affordable payments can be helpful if
an emergency arises that requires extra money.
Allows you to obtain products and services now and pay for them later – A loan can provide an opportunity to purchase
bigger-ticket items and use them right away.